By Guest Author Vol Lindsey
What is that down there
at the bottom of your pocket?
I’ve always loved a mystery
and sometimes I am drawn
to danger even though I might
lose a finger poking a thing
I shouldn’t. So, what am I
to do? Reach in and find out
for myself? Must I ask
permission, or should I wait
for a wink and invitation
like I always seem to do?
Your eyes have a look I
cannot seem to read, and
your smile just makes it worse.
I am dying to know what kind
of poison is there, or maybe
it’s just a potion I should
taste… will one drop
be enough? Will I be
Is it something that will
wither the sedge from the lake,
and stop the birds singing?
Or maybe it is a green pasture
where I can lie down?
The choice is a melodrama
of indecision sired by fear
and damed by hope
that this time the venom
is swift and exquisite.